Monday, January 23, 2023

January 23 - “Right One”

Great start to our day. Kel stopped by on his way to church and dropped off a crockpot full of roast for lunch after church. Made for a promising morning.


Church went well again, of course. As long as the right one is in charge, that should be the case. “Right One” is of course, God.


Back to the food situation, the roast was, indeed, very good. Roast and new potatoes and carrots. By the way, why do they call them “new” potatoes?  Does that mean the big ones are “old potatoes”?


I had plans to watch the University of Houston basketball game. They are ranked number one in the nation, and I haven’t seen them play yet. But I ran into a snag. The playoff football game that was on at the same time was happening in Buffalo.  It’s not that I particularly cared about that game. But at game time it was pouring down … snow! And I like a good snow game. I flipped back and forth until it became apparent that U of H was in real danger. Sure enough, they ended up losing by just a point when their last shot didn’t fall. No idea what happened in the snow game. It was just fun to watch.


Noa and Ezra made some real progress on the jigsaw puzzle. That helped when Chris and I joined the effort last night. Long way to go.


Matthew 16:24 says, Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”


Father, thank you for the wildly different ways you reveal yourself through the weather. Snow. Sunshine. Awesome. Just awesome. Amen.

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