Saturday, January 21, 2023

January 21 - “Chasing some squirrels"

Sam was back in the spotlight again this time. She had another infusion up in League City at the Deke Slayton Cancer Center. The doc kind of cut back on the dose this time to see if she could tolerate it a little better. He also made sure she had some nausea medicine included.


I stayed in the waiting area while Chris went back with Sam. My intention was to read some in my latest book. And maybe catch a few winks.  Didn’t get a fast start though. Instead, I spent a few minutes texting back and forth with my friend Gary up in Minnesota. And for anyone who might stumble across our text stream, it would appear we both were “chasing some squirrels,” as they say. We went from Chris’ favorite song (Gary had several possibilities starring eyes in honor of Chris’ eye surgeries - you know, “I can see clearly now,” or “I only have eyes for you”), to Gary having afib, to me scolding him for lying (get it? A Fib?), to the rat poison he takes to thin his blood (his words, not mine), to Son of Flubber (don’t ask me!), to model T, to the model T running on rat poison. Whew!  And all in one stream.


I also had a chance to chat briefly with Dale from church. He was there for his treatment as well. And mixed all in between those conversations was the text stream I had going with Chris. She was keeping me updated on the progress behind the infusion walls. Hard to get in a nap this time around.


Just before Chris and Sam emerged, I tried once again to read a little in the novel I brought. To no avail. The cleaning lady saw me and, never slowing down from accomplishing her task, asked, “Do you like to read?”  I answered in the affirmative, expecting that to be the end of it. But she had one more thought to share with me. In her thick accent and behind the confines of her mask, she commented, “I like to read, too. I like to read the Bible.”  I grinned my best no-mask grin and assured her that I enjoyed reading that book as well. She simply nodded and hurried on her way.


James 4:7 says, Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


Father, please be with that cleaning lady as she goes about her duties. Thank you for her commitment to your word. Amen.

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