Sunday, January 1, 2023

January 1 - “Read here ‘wilder’”

No, I’m not talking about a wild and crazy New Year’s Eve celebration, although I heard there might have been one or two of those out and about town. The fire department certainly had more than its share of fireworks calls.    


The morning for us was a time for … cleaning house. This time it was more than just picking up and putting away the remnants of a Christmas celebration. This time it was sweeping and dusting and vacuuming and mopping and moving furniture and relocating plants. Granted, Chris did the bulk of the work, but I pitched in a little bit, mainly with sweeping and moving the couch.


In the afternoon we made a supply run. Walmart first, of course. That was for fruit and cabbage. Gotta have that New Year’s Day meal complete. Ham and black-eyed peas were already on site. We also had to make a prescription stop over at Randall’s.


Now, Walmart was really packed. But Randall’s? Neither of us had ever seen that many people at Randall’s. I think I might just have found a new favorite time to shop/ people watch. Yep. It was better (read here, “wilder” – And there it is. It no longer takes much to achieve “Wilder” status in my world) than Christmas Eve out there.


Once back home, I settled in for some college football. TCU was the Texas representative, and they did the job. They only won be six points, but they scored more than fifty total. Major offensive showcase, this one. So was the Georgia-Ohio State game.  I guess all the fireworks outside were fitting to the very close, high-scoring game.


Job 19:25 says, I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.


Father, thank you for one more year completed. Please walk with us in this new one. Amen.

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