Monday, September 19, 2022

September 19 - “Emergency”

We got to church and were enjoying the first few songs when I received a phone call from our next-door neighbor’s daughter. She was calling an ambulance for her mother and needed us to unlock the door (we have a key). We jumped in the car and headed out.


We beat the ambulance by 15 or 20 minutes. That gave us plenty of time to get the key and make sure our neighbor knew that we were there and that the ambulance was on its way. They arrived and got her all loaded in, so we checked in by phone with her daughter who was on her way to meet the ambulance at the hospital.  Finally we headed back to church, listening to as much of the sermon as we could online. Got there in time for the last few songs and dinner on the grounds.


After church Kel’s family came over. I fixed sno-cones and we watched the Astros game (Good guys won) and half of the Texans game (couldn’t figure out who were the good guys – seemed like neither side wanted to win). Once the LaMarque Vaughans left (with Freddy in tow), though, Chris kicked into high gear getting ready to leave.


So … packing this morning.  Loading up the car and heading for my doc appointment first in League City.  We’ll leave from there for our overnight stay with the Huntley’s in Midlothian.  Tomorrow the plan is to attend a funeral, then hit the road East from there.  Here we go …


John 11:25-26 says, Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?””


Father, please be with Linda and her doctors. And walk with her daughter through the hospitalization experience as well. Amen.

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