Saturday, September 10, 2022

September 10 - “The offending tooth …”

Pretty successful early morning hours. I got the jigsaw puzzle down to four pieces so Chris could finish it out. Hmm. What does that say about me when success is measured in completed jigsaw puzzles and dentist appointments. 

And speaking of the latter… 

My emergency dentist appointment was with the guy who pulled two other teeth out of my head. I didn’t really want him to do it. He just didn’t impress us last time. Sigh. Perfect case of beggars can’t be choosers. I’ll take what I can get. 

We got to the office at 4 and started on all the proverbial paperwork. It was right at six before the actual procedure began. They gave me some happy juice in an IV, so I remember nothing until they were waking me up, telling me to get up and walk out. Good thing they had a wheelchair nearby. Let’s just say I wasn’t very steady on my feet. And the double vision didn’t help. I tried to help Chris drive on the way home. Hey, there were two of everything out there. She had to be extra-careful. Back at home I sang a happy tune in the way inside. No, really. I sang something. You’ll have to ask Chris exactly what. So inside, I got set up on my recliner to watch the Astros game.  The offending tooth is gone. Kel came over to spend the night with me. Sleepover! 

And beyond helping to make sure I didn’t hurt myself, why was Kel over?Chris left shortly after we got home. She had to be at UTMB by 8 for her sleep study. She sent me a photo of her digs and another of her all hooked up to the wires and such. Pretty sparse surroundings. And I still don’t see how you can get any sleep in a hotel room wanna-be, all hooked up to monitors with cameras filming your every move. She’s free to come home by 6 or 7 in the morning. Can’t wait to hear her report. 

James‬ ‭1:19‬ says, “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”

Father, help Chris get some sleep tonight. Thank you for Kel coming to hang out with me. Bless him for that. Amen.

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