Saturday, September 17, 2022

September 17 - “60 cents a gallon”

Our day was kind of quiet for a change. Well, except for the thunder (and accompanying rain) that greeted us upon arising. So much for a morning walk. Instead we did some more pre-trip planning.


On that note, we received some sad news. A friend of ours from our days in Arlington died. Bryant Colley has been battling cancer for a year now. The funeral is Tuesday, so we are trying to figure out how to add that to the beginning of our journey.


We made a Walmart run to pick up some of the last-minute trip stuff. You know.  Snacks and the like. We also went to Randall’s. They had the coffee I like on sale.  While there we also filled up with gas. With the perks from the store, we got no less than 60 cents off a gallon.  Filled up for $2.39 a gallon. It’s been a while …


James 5:13 says, Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.


Father, please be with Kay and the Colley family as they walk through Bryant’s death. And welcome him home with you. Amen.

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