Monday, October 11, 2021

October 11 – “THE WALL”

I had kind of a revelation yesterday.  Well, maybe more of a realization.  When Chris and I were talking to Josh on the phone and telling him what we knew of the latest about Christina, I’m pretty sure he thought he was hearing about two different people.  Chris would tell him the strictly medical side which always sounds at least a bit ominous and even scary, at least to me.  “Her levels of this are up and her readings of that are down.”  All stuff that I don’t really understand.  But what I “heard” from the last reports we got was actually quite optimistic and encouraging.  A more accurate test was done to double check everything, and it showed that one particular level they were worried about was actually nowhere near as bad as a first type of test had shown.  Then they were able to discern that the setback on Friday was probably from a bacterial pneumonia rather than from a Covid flare-up.  They started her on two antibiotics specifically for the bacterial pneumonia.  Also the breathing treatments she is receiving are helping keep her lungs open, thus buying them the time they need to fight the bacteria.  She’s still a pretty sick lady, and is still in ICU.  But we believe the prayers of all you folks out there are making a difference.


We had a guest preacher at church yesterday.  It was Kel’s turn to preach, and since he knew he was in quarantine and I was originally supposed to be out of town, he had already arranged for a friend of his to sub.  We obviously stuck around to help Kel out, but we decided to let Jordan go ahead and preach.  We had a pretty good crowd.  44 people.  Two new families.  One had a twelve-year-old boy.  The other a teenage girl and two precious little ones, about four and six years old.  During the last song, those two little guys who had been in class with Chris during church came over to me to show me the pictures they had drawn.  Noah’s ark and a rainbow.  Very cute.  Quite the budding artists, both of them.  After some oo-ing and ah-ing over his obvious skill, I told the little boy that he could take the picture home.  He loudly replied, “No.  I want you to hang it on the wall, right there.”  He pointed to the coffee station.  I replied that I could probably make that happen.  Big sister heard me.  Not to be outdone, she insisted that we find a place to post her picture as well.  A quick trip to my office for some sticky-tack, and mission accomplished before the last song was even finished.  We have some great paintings on display now.  Check them out next time you come.  Jordan got a smattering of appreciative applause when he finished his message.  But for the two little ones when I pointed pout their artwork?  Roaring cheers for the artists whose pictures made it to THE WALL.


Psalms 121:2 says, My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”


Father, thank you for those two little ones and their contribution to worship of you yesterday.  I know you appreciate their efforts just as much as (and probably more than) the finest of solos and the best of sermons.  We’re still praying for Christina.  Please use these antibiotics to knock down that infection and really begin the healing process.  Amen.

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