Thursday, May 30, 2024

May 30 - “Open. Open. Open”

We got on the road pretty early. Had to get started crossing this now-Texas barrenness at 80 mph. We decided to veer off to the south again and do our best to get the Parks stamp from a place called Amistad. We have been through there once before, back on our Big Bend trip, but the visitors’ center had closed about ten minutes before we showed up. So … reboot. 

The road from I10 down south to Amistad was a long, lonely highway. Sounds like a country western song, doesn’t it? I dozed again, and our only company was the occasional critter - a cow, a quail, a roadrunner, two or three border patrol agent trucks (just to keep us honest, I guess). We did make it, though. And better yet, the visitor center was actually open this time. We didn’t even have to stand outside the door and chant, “Open Open. Open.” Chris got her stamp and all was right with the world. 

After a stop at Chili’s in Del Rio for lunch (and supper, too, as it turned out. Those portions were huge!), we hit the road for the next leg of our journey … Seguin. Why Seguin, of all places? Tune in tomorrow for a full report. 

“Rusty Rooster Drive through - Margaritas to Go”. Never seen that one before. Innovative, if nothing else, Castroville. 

Gotta say, we were not looking forward to driving through San Antonio at 4:30 pm. But the traffic really wasn’t bad. We made to our hotel in Seguin before 5:30. Not bad at all. 

Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭105‬ ‭ says, You’re ur word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.

Father, it’s beginning to feel like we’re almost home. Please keep us safe these last few moments. Amen. 

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