Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21 - “Officially Begun”

Well, graduation is officially over for us in Waco. Zakary is out of high school and joins the ranks of full-time college students. It’s been a long time coming, Zak (18 years), but you done gooood. 

As for us, our actual road trip can be announced as “Officially Begun.” We got loaded up again and headed out of Waco into the wild, unknown West. Where we end up has only been loosely charted. We’ll keep our eyes open for unusual sights and places and possibilities. Like: Chicktown road, 

Purmela, Cow House Creek, Goldthwaite, Bowser Community Church.  A lot of the ranches and houses had ‘Murca flags flyin’, and one place had a Christian flag and Confederate battle flag, side by side. Another flew the Come and Take It flag. Oh! And we narrowly avoided several turtles on the move.

There were lots of other critters like: Horses, cows, goats, as well as a Hawk (not dead yet). Not to mention the scrumptious road kill pizza possibilities: Hawk (RK - road kill), Deer (RK), Skunk (RK), Possible Dog (RK), Jackrabbit (RK), coyote (RK). And we have to add the multiple pepperonius squishicus crittericus (indecipherable small RK). 

We stopped at the Dairy Queen in Fort Stockton, Texas, so Chris could do some long-overdue catching up with her high school best friend who lives there now. They both were like two giddy little schoolgirls, reminiscing and giggling and swapping grandkids stories. It was tough for them to tear away, I know. Hopefully it won’t be quite so long next time. 

We made into our stop for the night - Van Horn, Texas - around 6:30. There weren’t many options for dinner. We know because we drove through town from one end to the other. We passed on McDonald’s. Also passed on Chuy’s (Definitely NOT the national chain. Perhaps that’s why Siri pronounced it “Chew-eyes”). Finally ended up at the local steakhouse and bar. Both were small, but really hopping, although I don’t know how many were locals. The food was passable. We shared a salad and a chicken quesadilla. Then back to the room for some needed rest. 

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭9‬ ‭ says, God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.

Father, thank you that Chris and Helen had a chance to connect in person. Way better than Words With Friends chat room. Amen. 

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