Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28 - “So close, but so far”

We were back on the road again by about 8:30 Texas time. But this was supposed to be a trip of the tad bit more westerly persuasion. So … we headed back west again. Actually, our primary intent was to go back to Carlsbad Caverns and take the elevator down to catch the last part of that monstrosity of a hike we did last week. Apparently, we missed a spot. Beyond that we just weren’t sure. 

Well, “missed a spot” is putting it mildly. Those of you who have been there, “the spot” we missed was better known as The Big Room. Nothing less than the most spectacular site in the entire cavern system. So glad we made the return journey. And Kel, Josh, and Nathan … so sorry we never took you guys there. 

We took the elevator down to the starting point of the Big Room hike. That hike was a mile and a third, so not all that bad. Way easier than the one last week when we hiked our way from the surface to the point where this one began. We bailed then, but again, so glad we came back. The caves and formations and even puddles of water were stunning. We tried to take a lot of pictures, but I’m sure none of them really do justice to what we saw in person. If you get a chance … go!

We posted a selfie of us taken about 750 feet underground. At least that’s what the elevator reads when it finally stops. And who should respond to the post but Jim and Kathy White, some of our RVer friends from when they stay in Galveston. They were planning to stay at a KOA just outside of Carlsbad, and we were spending the night at a hotel in town. Now, how could we not get together for a photo op? However, sadly, we couldn’t work out the logistics. As Jim said, “So close, but so far.” Or to quote the indomitable Maxwell Smart, as he holds his fingers mere centimeters apart, “Missed it by this much.” Jim did piece together a conglomeration picture of the four of us with his great saying included. Not as good as the real thing would have been, of course, but it made us both smile. 

After checking into the hotel and crashing for a while, we made our way out into the 104 degree heat for some supper. And why not return to our old favorite, at least on this trip, McAlister’s Deli? Chris had a salad. I had potato soup. Good stuff. 

Last night we went back to the Caverns to see the bats’ exit again. But also they were following that up with a star gazing program. Two for one. Good deal, especially since both were free. And alas and alack, although the bats did come out, they waited until it was almost too dark to see them. And the star gazing was a real bust. They couldn’t get the big telescope to work at all, so the program amounted to a lecture about stars. I felt kind of sorry for the Ranger. She obviously knew her stuff, but the telescope debacle really had her flustered. They’ll get better. That was just the first show of the season. 

Proverbs‬ ‭12‬:‭25‬ ‭ says, Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

Father, please be with Jim and Kathy as they journey back northward. Amen. 

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