Friday, May 3, 2024

May 3 - “Recommendations welcome”

Chris walked and did her stair climbing yesterday. I stayed home and did my back stretching exercises. It has been really sore and tight. Not a surgery kind of thing, though, best I can tell. Probably more of an overdoing it at the puzzle table kind of thing. Hmm. Nah. Surely not. 

In the afternoon Chris took off again, this time in the car. She had a doctor appointment. Just a follow-up with her PCP. That lady is more like a best friend than a doctor. They talk about everything, including each other’s families. I’m glad she’s there for Chris. And vice-versa. 

While she was gone, I went over to Little Caesar’s and picked up a pizza. Beats having to cook something and clean up the kitchen. Good thing, too. Not long after Chris got home the folks began arriving for Home group. 

After everyone left and we settled in to watch the Astros (8-2 victory, by the way), we called and talked to Nathan for an hour and a half or so. The original purpose was to decide on a hotel for us all to stay in when we go to Zak’s graduation in a few weeks. The plan is for Cailyn to go with us. Her folks are going to celebrate their anniversary with an evening of fine dining in Waco. Not sure what restaurants there will fit the bill, though, for a romantic anniversary dinner. Calling all you Waco aficionados … All recommendations are welcome. 

Colossians‬ ‭4‬:‭2‬ ‭ says, Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

Father, thank you for the great phone call with Nathan just talking. It’s been a while. Amen. 

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