Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14 - “Boom!”

We got in our walk. It was brutal. The temperature wasn’t that high, but the humidity was so thick we had to slice it out of the way. Whew!

Then, when we got home, we made one more attack. This time it was on the yard. We were a little late, but we finally got around to spreading Weed n Feed. Chris followed behind me with the water hose. And then at lunch, what should come over our Alexa Alert?  Severe Thunderstorm Watch for Galveston. We didn’t hold our breath on that one. 

But maybe we could have. Around 3 those thunderstorms blew in with a vengeance. Dumped a good bit of rain in a short period of time. Lots of wind, too. In fact we even were under a flood advisory as well as the severe thunderstorm. Not to mention warnings for hail and 60 mph wind gusts. Hope that Weed n Feed enjoys the drink of water. 

We tried again around 3:30 this morning. Just on the off-chance that those elusive Northern Lights/ sun explosions might be this far south, we got up (we both woke up anyway, for some strange reason). We made our way up onto the deck, Freddy guarding us all the way. And … nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. We could a tally see the stars for the first time in almost a week. That’s always a beautiful sight. So … not a completely lost cause. 

Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭8‬ says, For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.

Father, thanks for you for that awesome demonstration of your creative power in those thunderstorms (and thanks for the accompanying rain, too). Amen. 

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