Thursday, May 2, 2024

May 2 - “Caught off-guard”

Started our walk, but we had barely cleared the driveway when Sam texted Chris. We turned back to check on her. All was well. She was just up and ready for some breakfast. No problem. 

The rest of the walk went without incident. Chris spent a lot of the time talking with Christina on the phone. Our average speed was pretty good, though. We’re getting there. 

Different highlight this fine day. Ready for this one?  Walmart and  Randall’s. Prescription at one. A few groceries at the other. Hey. At least we got out of house, right? 

I used the opportunity to exercise one of my seasonal favorite pastimes.  By seasonal I mean baseball season, of course. It works this way. I make sure I am wearing something that indicates my support of the Astros, usually a cap or t-shirt. Next, I pay attention to the people around us. People-watching - something I usually do anyway. Then, as we pass by, I grin and say, “Go, Astros!”  Occasionally they respond in kind right away, kindred spirits and all. But the fun comes when my greeting catches them off-guard. Invariably they look themselves over carefully to see how in the world I had any idea they were Astros fans. Especially when their Astros gear is resting upon their head. Smiling, I walk on, leaving them to their consternation. Great fun. 

Amos‬ ‭5‬:‭24‬ says, But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

Father, thank you for all the people you bring across our path every day. Especially Astros fans. Amen. 

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