Wednesday, May 15, 2024

May 15 - “The Search”


Chris took off on her own yesterday. No, no. Just on her walk. I stayed at home and nursed a sore back again. Nothing major. Just sore. 

I did get to walk in the afternoon, though. We did a run to the bank and then to … yeah … there. We needed to get Sam all situlated with grub for when we are gone next week. Where we going?  Well, Zak graduates from high school on Saturday, so we’re starting the journey in Waco. Then on Monday the plan is to leave there and head West. We are looking to roam about New Mexico, frequenting assorted national parks. 

Of course I have a personal goal that will make or break the trip for me. The Search, if you will. We are planning to go to Roswell and do some alien hunting. I’m pretty sure they are there, but I’ve heard they can camouflage themselves masterfully. You know, as frogs or fire hydrants (which causes difficulties for fire fighters, as you can imagine) or even their most despicable costume … McDonald’s employees. I’ll keep my eyes open. 

Speaking of Sam … and she loves it when I make mention of her exploits in this humble medium … she has attacked the present jigsaw puzzle with a vengeance. Chris has added her expertise as well. I threw in a few here and there, so that’s one shouldn’t take too much longer. 

Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭14‬ ‭ says, How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?

Father, help us get everything done for the trip. Amen. 

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