Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May 29 - “Slight flight plan adjustment”

We couldn’t stand it. We found out Jim and Kathy were just about 30 minutes away, so we made a slight adjustment in our flight plan. We headed back north a ways to catch them before they took off for their next adventure. I figured Texas would still be there a little later in the day. 

We met up at the office of the KOA where they were staying. We laughed and shared adventure stories over a cup of coffee and a cherry icee. We took our 8 or 10 pictures together, of course. Gotta document the important events.  Finally we headed on to our new route and they resumed on their way to seek out remnants of Jim’s long-forgotten Alien ancestry. Safe travels, you two. 

We took off on another side road to get moving. I fell asleep, but Chris told me the very first town we drove through was another of those eerie, nobody is home, not a soul in sight ghost towns. Now, entering the town she saw a colorful sign welcoming us to the local Methodist church. But in town? No sign of it. Once again, very sad. Oh! I forgot to mention the name of the town … Hope. Now that’s even more sad.  

As we drove through Cloudcroft (no snow, but we did see the ski lifts) and started down from the mountains, we were surprised with a gorgeous view of White Sands. Needless to say, Chris had me on camera duty. 

We drove right next to the Fort Bliss McGregor Range. Danger signs here and there, but all we saw out of the ordinary was yet another of those dust devil mini-tornados. 

Through all the drama we ended up in El Paso. There was a national monument there to the agreement back in the 1960’s as to the actual border between Texas and Mexico. And yes. Chris got her stamp. That just leaves two more in Texas that we still need. We may get one of them before we make our way home. Still under discussion. Oh, and we stopped for lunch at a place that came highly recommended by our friend Rita (a BIEP - Born In El Paso).  It was called Chico’s Tacos. Interesting, unexpected approach to tacos. Rolled tightly and fried really crisp, then sloshed in some kind of sauce and topped with a bucket of cheese. Definitely not like anything I have had before. So we have eaten the one culinary masterpiece that apparently defines El Paso. Check. 

Chris embraced the 80 mph speed limit outside of El Paso. In relatively no time we had stopped for gas and made our way back to Van Horn, Texas, and the very same hotel we stayed in last week. Time for some rest. 

Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭ says, For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.


Father, thank you that we managed a way to connect with Jim and Kathy. And thanks for the El Paso advice from Rita and Kelly. Bless them for that. Amen. 

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