Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12 - “Yella Critters”

Next on the trip planning list … yard work. We divvied that up pretty well. I did the mowing (under close supervision). Seems there are some weeds that have taken over a mighty chunk of the yard. But here’s the thing. They produce a really pretty yellow flower. I understand people actually pay good money to get these weeds. We didn’t even plant them. They just washed in with a hurricane sometime in the past. Anybody want some? Come get um.  

So I had to figure out how to mow around those yella critters, but still get the good grass cut (yep. Somewhere in that conglomeration of greenery out there is some good St. Augustine grass). 

So … back to the division of labor. I did the mowing and then some bush trimming (also under close supervision). Chris handled the weedeating. That still bothers my back. She also still insists that hand sweeping is better than the grass blower. Come on that’s literally what that power tool was created for. But she enjoys sweeping. Go for it. 

Last night we did what half the country was doing. We went up on our deck and looked at the sky. We were hoping to catch a glimpse of the weird aurora beaurealis (however you spell it) phenomenon. Sadly, my photos didn’t look anything like the ones we saw on the internet. We saw … clouds. I’m not sure we would have seen anything anyway. We were right in the trailing edge of the viewing possibilities window. Oh well. Maybe on our trip to Minnesota. 

Ruth‬ ‭1‬:‭16‬ says, But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.”

Father, thank you for the amazing “Ruth” (aka Chris) you gifted me with. Amen. 

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