Monday, May 13, 2024

May 13 - “Renewing old young acquaintances”

Nathan won the “first to call mom on Mother’s Day” sweepstakes this year. Well, if you don’t count Josh’s regular Friday call as an early one. And we did see Kel and all but one of his kiddos at church.   

We got to see some folks at church we haven’t seen in several years. Jack and Joy Anderson and their Dad Ryan were there. Mom Alexandra and their youngest had headed back to their Cypress home already. Ryan  played guitar and led worship at Seaside for a time. Those kids have really grown up, too. Joy looks a lot like her Mom and has discovered cross country. Jack has red hair- always a plus for me. Reminds me of my mom - and plays Little League baseball. Wow.

Kel and his family were going to come over for Mother’s Day, but Christina got sick. They headed home right after church to be with her. Rightly so. 

And Josh did call again around 4. They had church, then Caleb had a voice recital they went to. They sent us a video. He was amazing, of course. 

Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭45‬ ‭ says, And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.

Father, thanks for you for chances to renew old … young …acquaintances. Amen. 

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