Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16 - “MVP”

Final preparations have begun for liftoff. Chris has started creating our pile o’ stuff that we will need for the long haul on our journey. And on that pile are the little things that make me know that we are really heading on a road trip. Oh. What are said “Little Things”?  Tide and a roll of quarters for washing clothes at a hotel. Gatorade, waters, and some Pure Leaf sweet tea (Can’t leave home without it). Books to read during downtime and in the car (when I’m not asleep). And of course, hiking boots. You never know when you might need those. 

In the midst of packing we do have to stop on occasion for life. It keeps going on. Yesterday I had a haircut appointment (woohoo! Chris says she likes my curls, but, man, do they ever drive me nuts!). Sam had a dentist appointment. However, in a bit of drama, they scheduled her for the appointment today instead. She had to push that one to June, because today she has an appointment in Texas with her cancer doc, and we have home group tonight. Also in there you have your add clean the house and wash the clothes.  Phew!

Last night we went up to Texas City. Cailyn’s end of the year soccer banquet was being held at a hotsy totsy event venue there. The invitation even said, “Cocktail Attire Encouraged.”  Interesting. But since I’ve never seen a cocktail get dressed before, I didn’t know what to wear. I asked Nathan if “Santa Fe cocktail attire” meant my good jeans and clean cowboy hat. He said that’s what he was wearing. Chris, however, thought somewhat differently. We compromised. I wore my black pants and the Hawaiian shirt I usually wear to funerals. I even put on my dress socks (read here “black”). Phew! The things I do for my eldest female grandchild. 

The event center was beautiful to the extent of being gaudy. Well, unless you consider the massive chandelier. That put it over the top. 

The ceremony part felt interminably long. I won’t bore you with all the details. Introductions and recognitions and awards. All the typical sports banquet stuff. But then they finally got to the only really important award. They announced the Junior varsity Most Valuable Player award - the top award for the season. And it went to none other than a very cute young freshman midfielder named Cailyn Vaughan. Yep. Coulda told ‘em … 

John‬ ‭15‬:‭2‬ ‭ says, Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

Father, thank you that Cailyn received some recognition last night. She sure made us proud. Amen. 

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