Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19 - “Graduation Day Mayhem”

Cailyn spent the night in our hotel room.  We had a fold-out couch. She also enjoyed a wonderful hotel breakfast with us (Texas shaped waffle). Then she went with mom and dad to check out The Silos. I’m pretty sure she came back with a shirt from there. 

We went back to SAS to get those shoes. I made sure to take the checkbook this time, though. Good thing, too. Still no internet. Still no credit cards. They did take the out of town check, though. Didn’t even ask for my ID. Guess it had been so long since someone presented a check that they just didn’t know what to do. Long story, right? Well, I got my shoes. 

We met up with Nathan and April and Cailyn for lunch at Ninfa’s. And as a huge bonus, Cary and KayLynn joined us as well. It was great to hang out with all of them. The food was good, but the building was incredibly noisy. 

From there we headed over to a large church in MacGregor, Texas, just outside of Waco, for the graduation. The leaders of the group putting on the ceremony said they had more graduates than ever before this year. It made for a long time.  Each graduate’s parents had two minutes to talk about their child and present him with the diploma. Josh spoke to Zak. Of course his comments were by far the best of the night. 

After the ceremony there was a brief gathering in the foyer to take lots of pictures. In the whole process we met Lindsey’s (Zak’s girlfriend) parents and little sister. Nice folks. There were lots of others there to honor Zak as well. His youth pastor and wife were there. So were some longtime family friends, as well as others from church. 

After that reception, about 20 of us went to Slow Rise Pizza. You can get a big ol’ slice or a whole pizza. I just had one slice. It tasted good enough, but it was awfully greasy. Chris just had a salad. We were seated outside, and it didn’t take long for the 90+ degree heat to get to us. We were able to stroll inside as much as we wanted, though. That’s where the ice and drink refills were. 

We finished out the night back over at Josh and Christi’s. Nathan and April got the grand tour of the house and grounds, along with the anecdotal historical account of the previous owner’s strides in DIY construction. We also shared horror stories of rats and possums and assorted other critters that have invaded our homes at one time or another. It seemed the house we were in had had more than its share of infestations, though. Oh, and we heard the story of the poop Zak found in his ear (that was his descriptive word when he reported his dilemma to his mom). OK. It wasn’t really poop. It was a massive buildup of wax that had taken on a disturbing shade of brown. The doc managed to get it all out, though. And Zak was amazed at what he had been missing. 

Lots of stories later, we made our goodbyes and headed back to the hotel for the night. Long day. Good day. We’re proud of you, Zak. 

‭‭Acts‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭ says, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Father, thank you for Zak and all the other grads. Walk with them through their next chapters. Amen. 

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