Wednesday, February 9, 2022

February 9 – “Conveniences of modernity”

Yesterday held promise as our slowest day since it was unbearably cold and we refused to leave the house.  Let’s see … was that Monday?  Or maybe one day last week?  Didn’t take me long to get into the losing track of what day it is mode, did it?  But the bottom line was … we just didn’t have much of anything on tap, so it looked like we were going to be able to relax a little bit.


Well, except that Chris had cardiac rehab at 8 a.m.  So much for her resting well or sleeping in.  Meanwhile I still had a stack of thank you notes to write for our retirement party.  I focused on that first, since it was the most important issue to get taken care of.  After that I moved on to the Bible study for Thursday night.  This week is one of those odd tales at the end of the Book of Judges that isn’t about a particular judge at all.  This one took a little extra research.  Still have some more to go this morning, too.


After lunch we headed out for our errands run.  First stop was Randall’s.  She has a prescription that is about to run out, and for some reason they have not received the refill order from the doctor.  It’s not one she can miss even one dose of, either.  They assured her they would put in another request, and she sent the doc a message through My Chart.  I guess the double-barreled approach worked.  We got a text from the pharmacy last night that the prescription was ready for pickup. 


We couldn’t do an errands run without making a stop at Walmart.  I even had a bit of a list this time.  We had discussed what kinds of electronic support we would need on any trips we took.  Top of that list was another phone charger with a port that serviced Chris’ new phone size cable.  Along with that, we also needed another plug extender.  She has to charge her phone, her watch, and her heart monitor.  I have my phone, my watch, and my hearing aids.  Ain’t tech grand?  We also refilled our thank you note box.  Oh, and we bought a new little clock to go in the den so we can embrace our elderliness and not have to squint to see the time on the microwave “all the way” in the kitchen.  Also, we can be lazy and not have to look at our wrists to see what time it is.  Just a brief shift of the eyes and it is done.  Conveniences of modernity and all. 


I guess as it turned out we did surpass our slowest day … by a long shot.  It was still fun, though.  Now to see what grand surprises today holds …


Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”


Father, thank you for the amazing discoveries and advancements people have made over the years that really have made our life so much easier.  Help us to acknowledge and appreciate that.  Amen.

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