Friday, February 4, 2022

February 4 – “It’s c-c-c-cold”

Imagine my surprise this morning when I opened the weather app on my phone.  34 degrees.  Bad enough.  But it also displayed that little icon that indicates snow.  Right.  I got dressed and went outside to get the newspaper.  Nope.  No snow.  No rain.  No sleet.  Nothing.  Well, nothing but really cold weather.  I think the wind chill is right at 20.  Wait.  The temperature is dropping.  Now it’s 33 degrees, expected to hit 32 around 8 a.m. 


I’m pretty sure our plan for today is not much different that our plan was yesterday.  Stay inside and keep warm.  Chris did have cardiac rehab yesterday, though.  And her technician was fifteen minutes plus late … again.  She is supposed to have it again today, but one tech comes in from Texas City (the chronically late one), and one comes in from Clute (Much farther away).  We have a hunch they will call and cancel the appointment.


I spent the day going through old files.  I figured I needed to clean out the ones already inside the house before we bring in a whole other file cabinet full of stuff from college.  I imagine that will continue to be my project for today as well.  I need to come up with the best way to combine everything into some semblance of order.  Meanwhile, I have emptied the little wastebasket under my desk two or three times already.  Not sure how many more trips to the outside bin are in my future …


We were back at it for home group last night.  Almost all of our regulars were there for the grand finale of the life of Samson.  Well, not so grand for him.  He died under a pile of rubble, but he took thousands of Philistines with him.  The best part of the evening for me was when each of the folks was gifted with kind words from everyone else in the group.  I really enjoyed hearing them encourage each other and watching the faces of the ones being honored.  Keep that stuff up, guys.


1 Corinthians 9:25 says, “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”


Father, thank you for the intimacy that has developed among the ones in our home group.  Keep them warmly affectionate to each other.  It just sounds so … biblical. Amen. 

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