Sunday, February 13, 2022

February 13 – “Of course”

Here’s a quick update on the rest of Friday, since I focused on the fire department function so much.  While Chris was at cardiac rehab, I spent the entire hour plus trying to get our printer to come back online.  It prints just fine by itself, but it absolutely refuses to heed the commands of the computer.  This happens all the time, and the same fix never seems to work twice in a row.  This time it took no less than three computer reboots and four printer reboots before it agreed to rejoin the world of the living.  I’m afraid the issue is with the laptop.  Of course, it would be the more expensive of the two.


We also took Freddy to the vet.  It was just a checkup so we could get some more of that flea medication that you rub on their back.  And of course, they “highly recommended” putting her to sleep so they could clean her teeth.  Five hundred plus dollars to0 brush her teeth sure seems excessive.  Of course, it would be more if the happen to find something wrong.  Nope.  Not right now.  We’ll get her a dental stick to chew on.


Back to yesterday …

Chris had her big appreciation day ladies brunch at the church.  Apparently, they did a lot of reminiscing, including I understand a few stories about the craziest things Pastor Kelley has done over the years.  And I wasn’t there to defend myself.  Of course.  They gave her some really nice gifts, and from the sounds of things, the breakfast was pretty good as well.


While she was being feted, I went to Pasadena for Jachin’s baseball game.  I met him at their house in LaMarque, and he drove.  We talked about school and baseball the whole way over there.  The game itself was pretty exciting.  Ended in a 6-6 tie.  Jachin went 1-2 with a walk as the first baseman.  Then as we were driving out of the parking lot, his pitching coach called and asked him to stay for eth varsity game as the first relief pitcher.  Of course, he turned right around and re-parked.  He checked with his Mom first, but then gave me the keys to the car and he raced back on the field.  Nice job, Jachin.


So why give me the keys?  Well, Chris and I had to make a beeline to League City to a birthday party for a one-year-old.  Little Roman Anderson had reached that significant milestone and was being celebrated by Cory and Sarah and some friends.  We were glad we went.  It’s always good to see Cory and Sarah and their family, of course.  But we were especially excited to see some other old friends from Seaside youth groups of years past.  It made our day to do some catching up with them.  Roman, of course was pretty much oblivious to the clutter of people.  All he wanted to do was play with the streamers hanging from the ceiling.  Of course.  Can’t beat a good streamer, can you, Ro?


Oh, and we also had a phone call from Josh.  Luke’s basketball team was in the final tournament of their league basketball season.  The call was to report that they won their semi-final game against the number two seed, 23-20.  Luke scored 21 points.  Of course.  Wow.  Later we learned that they did lose the final game.  Why?  Because the opponent had scouted them.  Luke was double and triple-teamed the whole game.  Of course.  He was still happy, though.  They were awarded a championship game ring.


Romans 12:12 says, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”


Father, thank you for the chance to see some old friends.  Bless them in their lives and decisions.  And in particular, be with Houston and Ashley in their move to Colorado.  Amen.

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