Wednesday, February 2, 2022

February 2 – “Book Box Brothers”

When Chris got back from rehab we sat down at the table and checked out a few more places in Utah that she has discovered.  They seem to be somewhat in our flight plan, so maybe we can just add them to the list.  We also reviewed the different National Parks we have already visited.  There are several that we have been to, but don’t have that elusive stamp from.  I fear we might be taking some side trips on our way home from Jachin’s Florida baseball tournament in May.


Kel came over for a while yesterday.  Well, I had to go get him.  He took his car to Dennis to be worked on – some kind of oil leak, and he didn’t particularly want to stand around there waiting.  Hanging out with ol’ Mom and Dad won out over the mechanic shop.  I feel honored.  It didn’t take long to discover that the part he needed wouldn’t be in until Thursday, so we went back to the shop to pick up the car so they could use it for the next few days. 


I guess our big accomplishment from yesterday would be our last trip to the church.  We had to pick up that last file cabinet and the painting on the wall.  We took the files out of the cabinet and put them into boxes.  Why?  Because there was no way we were moving that cabinet fully loaded.  In fact, it was plenty heavy all by itself.  We finally managed to manhandle (and woman-handle – Chris helped) everything into the truck and get them home.  They joined their book box brothers (sounds like a new boy band) in the garage until such time as we find an alternative home for the pile of stuffed animals in the house.  I’ll eventually go through the files and cull out a lot, I assume.  Maybe even get rid of the cabinet altogether.  I’ll just add that to my retirement checklist.


2 Corinthians 2:14 says, “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.”


Father, please help Dennis find out what needs to be done with Kel’s car.  And help them find another car for their family to use.  Amen.

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