Monday, November 9, 2020

November 9 – “Write it up, Little Scientist”

Chris went on to church yesterday.  I decided to stay home one more Sunday, since it is still sometimes difficult to find a comfortable position to … well, to be in.  I’m still nursing that pain in my side a bit when I stand or walk, so I’ve been taking Tylenol during the day.  From the looks of things online there were quite a few people in attendance at church.  Chris counted 62, but she thinks there may have been more she couldn’t see from her vantage point.  A pretty big contingent from Missouri spilled out into the parking lot sunshine.  I could occasionally hear the motorcycles from Galveston’s “non-existent” motorcycle rally weekend.  And Kel did a good job preaching.  It was kind of his swan song before his foot surgery this Wednesday.  Thanks for the fill-in, Kel. 


Speaking of Kel, he and his family came over for the afternoon.  They brought the fixin’s for chicken fajitas.  Kel grilled the chicken and Christina and Chris and Noa put everything else together in the kitchen.  Micah and Jachin and Josiah and I watched TV back and forth between Texans football and … ready for this? … a Hallmark movie.  I always get a kick out of watching those movies with the boys.  Between the “fabulous” acting and the ever-predictable story lines, we always find something about them to laugh at.  And in yesterday’s case, there was a lot to laugh about in the football game, too.   The boys are doing a fantasy football league, so we also watched whatever game it was that came on after the Texans.  Sorry.  If it’s not the Texans, Cowboys, or Broncos, I don’t even recognize the team names.


About the only other excitement of the afternoon came when Noa, ever the little doctor-in-waiting, wanted to see the staples in my back.  Of course I complied.  Her big brothers, however, were not as excited about the opportunity.  I heard more than a few groans of “gross” and “cover it up.”  But Noa took things to a whole new level.  She grabbed one of the little magnets off the refrigerator and wanted to see if it would stick to the staples.  I was a little wary of direct contact, but we compromised.  I pulled my shirt back over the site and she tried the magnet through the cloth.  End result?  No stickage.  Probably needed a stronger magnet.  Or maybe more surface area of staple.  Write it up, Little Scientist, and it will count as a science lesson.


Isaiah 60:3 says, “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”


Father, thank you for all the folks who came to worship yesterday.  Bless their week ahead.  Amen.

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