Friday, November 27, 2020

November 27 – “A 2020 Thanksgiving at the Vaughan’s”

Well, Thanksgiving Day 2020 is in the books.  Not that the holidays are over for us.  Not yet.  Josh and his family are due to arrive this morning.  They have been at Christi’s parents for a few days, and they found out yesterday that they have been very indirectly contact traced to have been in contact with someone who had been in contact with someone who had been in contact with someone who had been in contact with someone who contracted the Covid.  I don’t know if I counted all the “been in contact with’s,” but it sounded really distant to me.  Come on down.  The Galveston salt air will probably kill the virus anyway.  Besides, it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving 2020 with at least some talk of the dreaded Covid.  Cailyn and her Mom are back from their excursion to see April’s Grandma, and Nathan is off, so they will be here.  And with the allure of that many cousins, the LaMarque crew will certainly not be able to stay away.  Deep breath, and here we go …


But as for yesterday, we started the day by turning on the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade.  Very odd.  Oh, they showed all the floats and balloons.  They even did all the performances.  But there were no grandstands.  No people cheering and waving.  Santa made his appearance, but I’m wondering just who he was waving to?  After a while I switched over to Netflix to watch the new Christmas Chronicles II movie.  Very cute stuff.  Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell play Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus.  Spoiler alert … Once again, Christmas is saved.


Kel and his crew came over for the Thanksgiving Day lunch hour.  Sam was her as well.  She brought her famous corn casserole.  Christina brought a big ham and some sweet potatoes.  So we had quite the array of goodies: dead bird and pig (ham, not bacon), cornbread dressing, green beans, corn, green salad, mashed potatoes, crescent rolls, the afore-mentioned corn casserole, and the pie shelf of pecan, pumpkin (with homemade whipped cream), and apple.  Hey, I didn’t post the required food picture of everything on FaceBook, so I understand that this is the next best thing. 


Of course after a meal like that it was time for a nap.  Kel and his older boys are involved in a fantasy football league, so we turned on the NFL.  It is very odd to hear them cheer for individual players of either team, no matter what the score is.  I think the Texans won and the Cowboys lost. But nobody seemed to care about that extraneous bit of information.  It was all about how the players on their individual teams did.  Just … odd.


Nathan stopped by on his way home from work, so he was able to grab a plate full of food before he headed home to crash into bed.  Everybody left soon after their portion of leftovers was distributed.  Chris and I slumped onto the couch and watched an old episode of FaceOff before giving up and heading for bed before ten.  We had to get an hour or two of sleep in before the wonderful wildness begins again.  We are still holding out hope for the Phamily Photo Session that is scheduled for 4 p.m. on Saturday.  That would be the same Saturday that the weather service is currently predicting will have a 100% chance of thunderstorms.  Oh, well.  No sense sweating the stuff we have no control over … 


Galatians 6:10 says, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”


Father, thank you for our family.  Protect all of them and keep them close to you and to each other.  Amen.

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