Monday, November 16, 2020

November 16 – “Inside”

It has sure felt good to sleep in our own bed the last few nights.  Well, I have been there every night, but I mean both of us.  Last night Chris had a rough one, though.  Vomiting and diarrhea.  She thinks it might have been something she ate (she hasn’t eaten much), but I plan for her to include a mention of said malady when she calls for her follow-up this week. 


I caught a ride to church with Corey yesterday.  Good to have neighbors close by when you haven’t been cleared to drive yet and your wife is laid up recuperating from a heart attack.   Chris stayed home to crash and do some more processing of her whirlwind weekend.  She has a list of questions going.  A long list.  Those docs better get ready.


Yesterday was our first Sunday back inside the building.  We didn’t make any restrictions, just encouraged everyone to follow their own decision about the Covrus.  How’s that for a new nickname for the dreaded Corona Covid Virus Thing?  Several wore masks.  Others didn’t.  All were respectful and loving.  Gee.  It felt like church or something.  We had a pretty good crowd, too.  I counted 47 people from where I was standing.  Lots of excitement all around.  The singing was great.  Jim chose a few newer songs, but amazingly (well, Holy Spirit-ingly) they went along with the teaching perfectly.  We did have a computer glitch, though.  We couldn’t get the Mediashout program to cast the right image to the projector.  We adapted, though, and we got through it fine.  Maybe somebody will figure it out soon.  I sure couldn’t, and I tried for quite a while after church.


After church we had Third Sunday Dinner on the Grounds.  A good crowd stayed for that, too.  27 out of the 47.  Let’s see, that would be … around 57%, right?  Pretty good.  And they wouldn’t let me do anything.  It was great to see the different ones taking charge.  And there were lots of prayers and good wishes for Chris in there as well.  You know what?  I kind of like those people.


Chris got check-ins from all three of her boys throughout the day.  One would think they might love their mother …


We pretty much crashed all afternoon.  Lauren brought over some supper for us.  We watched a few movies after that.  Then it was off to bed shortly after nine.  Wow.  Such an early bedtime.  Makes you feel like you’re getting old, huh?


James 5:13 says, “Is anyone among you in trouble?  Let them pray.  Is anyone happy?  Let them sing songs of praise.”


Father, thank you for the prayers and good wishes and words of encouragement yesterday.  I know they came from lots of different mouths, but ultimately, they were from you.  Amen.

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