Saturday, November 21, 2020

November 21 – “Turkey Fry-day (and a back report)”

Yesterday was Fryday.  No, Spell-check.  That’s not a typo.  It was the day we fry turkeys for Thanksgiving and to freeze for eating on the rest of the year.  But first …


Yesterday was also my first follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon.  The primary purpose was to remove the staples in my back.  I did have a few questions as well, though.  The staple removal went well.  It did sting a bit; I won’t lie.  But they all came out without incident, and the site looks like it is supposed to.  I guess.  I couldn’t see it.  On to the question phase.  I filled the resident in on what I have been experiencing over the last few weeks, including my Day Three traumatics.  She just listened patiently.  (By the way, I’m not scheduled to see the actual neurosurgeon until January – eight weeks post-op.  But I did pass him in the hall.  He recognized me and asked, “Is it better?”  A man of few words, you know).  I then launched into my questions.  Here they are with her responses:

Can I do back stretches and exercises for my lower back, which is also messed up?

            Not until four weeks post-op (That’s next Friday).

Can I Bend, like to tie my shoes and the like?

            Yes, within reason (whatever that means)

Can I Lift?

            No.  After four weeks post-op you can start adding maybe a pound or two to your gallon of milk limit, but … no (Chris translated this to mean, “Wait and ask the neurosurgeon at your eight-weeks follow-up).

Can I Twist?

            Yes, within reason (whatever that means)

Can I Drive?

            Yes (Pretty unequivocable.  I drove us home to celebrate)

Her bottom line was actually pretty sound advice to combat recuperation depression.  “You need to measure progress week by week or even month by month rather than day by day.”  So the idea is, I need to ask myself, “Is it better today than it was last Friday?  Or Monday of last week?”  To that I suppose I have to answer, “yes.”  So … progress.  Thank you very much.


And back to Turkey FryDay.  We had an absolute houseful for the big event (not what we expected.  In years past Nathan has come over to help me with the lifting).  This time Kel and his entire family were here, and Nathan brought his whole family as well.  It was almost Thanksgiving before Thanksgiving.  Little kids were running around everywhere.  Even Brennan came over from across the street to join the fray.  And in the middle of it all Dirk arrived with a pizza and some salad for a meal for me and Chris.  Thanks so much Dirk and Paige (and it is so good to have you guys back on the Island.  We missed you).


Nathan organized the kids, both to do our yard work and to help him cut down a palm tree that was threatening both our house and the health and growth of a nearby sycamore tree.  The kids hauled the branches (and there were a substantial amount of them) to the street for pickup.  Nathan, Micah, Jachin, and even Kel with his foot still in a boot all helped with the turkey lifting.  We ended up frying ten turkeys this year.  They will be apportioned and/or frozen to better make use of the delectable delights of meat they provide.  Oh, what did I do?  I stood in the kitchen most of the time.  Washing pans and carving turkeys.  And yes, I am pretty sore this morning.  Maybe I’ll skip my scheduled walk around the block today and just take it easy …


3 John 1:2 says, “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”


Father, thank you for all the help we had around here yesterday.  We were, in a word, overwhelmed.  Amen.

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