Friday, November 20, 2020

November 20 – “… do whatever I tell her”

I made my third day in a row of walking half a mile.  I think it’s getting better.  There seems to be less residual pain and soreness each time.  The last few nights I haven’t even taken Tylenol at bedtime.  Meanwhile Chris made three laps around the house.  She is still getting winded, but, hey … progress is progress.  Woohoo!


Speaking of Chris, she got a haircut yesterday.  Drove herself to the salon (Do they still call them salons?).  Tiny baby steps back to normalcy?


I tried my hand at doing some more work on our latest jigsaw puzzle.  Found a few pieces.  Sadly, Freddy decided to try her mouth at helping out.  Somehow she found an errant piece that had made its way onto the floor.  Or maybe she jumped onto the chair and helped herself.  Either way she chewed it almost beyond recognition.  Just leaving her mark, I guess.


The absolute highlight of our day came when the mail was delivered.  No, I don’t mean we got to hear Freddy announce the mail lady’s presence, although that is quite the presentation.  We actually received several cards from friends who wanted to express their love and concern and encouragement after hearing about my back surgery followed so closely by Chris’ heart attack.  It was really great to hear from them.  Especially the one that told Chris to listen to me and do whatever I tell her.  OK, I may have slightly embellished that last part, but I’m pretty sure that’s what Melissa meant …


Hebrews 13:5 says, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’”


Father, thank you for the friends you have gifted us with through the years. Especially the ones who have shown their love over the last few days/weeks.  Bless them for that.  Amen.

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