Sunday, November 15, 2020

November 15 – “Day Two: Post Attack”

Saturday.  Day Two: Post Attack.  I slept from 9:30 p.m. to 6 a.m.  That’s eight and a half hours.  Can’t remember sleeping that long since I was a teenager.  Or maybe a college student cramming for an exam.  And Chris texted from the hospital that she had slept better as well.  We both needed it, for sure.  They moved her over to a “regular room” out of the “almost ICU” unit she had been in.  She said it was much quieter over in her new digs.  She also said her blood pressure had been running in the 120’s.  That’s amazing. 


The doctor team paid her a visit, and one of them who had been involved at some point told her that she was (For visual, hold your fingers barely apart and squint your eyes as if to see better the tiny little gap between them) “this close … literally hanging by a thread out there.”  That was pretty scary to hear, for sure. 


After I arrived, thanks to April, my limo driver for the day (since I’m not supposed to be driving until after my follow-up on Friday), Chris told me that all indications were that she would be going home.  However, she had been having some chest pains, and she even got really dizzy when she got up and walked around a bit.  They did another bedside EKG and a cardiogram.  All looked good operationally, so we were hopeful about going home, but still not completely sure. 


And about that time, I got a text from Randall’s pharmacy.  Seems all her discharge medications were already ready to be picked up.  Well, I guess if Randall’s says we’re going home … we must be going home.  Sure enough, the nurse came in soon after with discharge papers.  Chris will even have some nitro on hand.  That’s the under-the-tongue stuff they use on TV all the time. 


Oh, and Chris also finally gave the hospital her consent for treatment.  Yep.  Literally on our way out the door.  She never had a chance to sign anything up to that point.  But they still had to have all their i’s dotted and t’s crossed.  She finally got released around 2.  Our chariot awaited at the front door.  April was back with her limo.  We stopped at Randall’s to get those meds and made our way home.  Oh, and Freddy was really happy to see Chris. 


Last night Nathan and April and Cailyn came over and cooked us some supper. Great stuff.  And after they left, we settled on the couch and watched a new Netflix movie, “Jingle Jangle.”  It was kind of fun, but I dozed off a time or two, and Chris flat out fell asleep with her head in my lap.  It was great to be home.


Oh, and thank you to everybody who sent prayers and words of encouragement over the last few days.  We could really feel the presence and calmness of the Lord.


John 15:4 says, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.  Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”


Father, thank you for everyone who cared and sent us words to express their love over the last few days.  Bless them for that.  Amen.

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