Thursday, November 12, 2020

November 12 – “Soups and Koop’s”

I managed to walk all the way around the block with Chris and Freddy yesterday.  Quite the milestone for me.  No big deal to you.  I was beginning to feel tightness in my right hip of all places, but we came to the end before it got too bad. 


That little jaunt gave me the courage to join Chris in a return engagement visit to WalMart.  One of the things we needed was a piece of poster board.  We have been tasked with making a poster showing who the recipients will be of the money we make at our fundraiser this Saturday.  Once again we have been asked to provide food for the craft fair at the Jamaica Beach Park (I think it’s from 9-3).  This year we’ll be serving Seaside Soups and Koop’s Barbecue pulled pork.  Soups and Koop’s.  kind of catchy, don’t you think?


Back to WalMart.  When we went the other day, they didn’t have any turkeys.  Well, they had some, but they were either 20-pounders or some kind of super-expensive gourmet types.  We needed 13-15 pounders.  As luck would have it, we located some that were just the right size for frying, so we grabbed ten of them.  Yep.  Ten.  We generally fry up ten or so every year.  We eat a few around Thanksgiving, give some away, and freeze the rest to use throughout the year in dishes requiring chicken.  So why buy now?  They need to have a week or so to thaw out in the fridge.  Unfortunately, Walmart didn’t have any of the big ol’ jugs of peanut oil.  Three or five gallons, I forget which it is.  Guess that will mean a separate trip, or maybe one to Academy.  They sold some there last year.  I felt really bad having to let Chris carry all ten of those turkeys into the house.  She found me a job, though.  I held open the refrigerator door.  Yay me.


I heard from Sam at church.  She saw the picture of my Dad that I posted on FaceBook.  It was from back when he served in the Coast Guard in World War II.  I know Veteran’s Day is for living vets, but I’m proud of my Dad.  Anyway, Same made the comment that she thinks I look just like him.  You know what, Sam?  I’ll take that as high praise.  See, he was known as a ladies’ man back then before my Mom nabbed him …


John 8:32 says, “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”


Father, thank you for turkeys of all shapes and sizes.  And thanks for blessing us so we can in turn bless others with some of the fried version.  Amen.

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