Thursday, November 26, 2020

November 26 – “I can’t wait”

Cailyn was back.  She called in the morning and I answered her with my typically glorious rendition of “I’m a Nut.”  By the time that was over, she was re-thinking her desire to join us for the day.  The allure of cousins and the chance to be involved in making pies was more than she could handle, though.  Well, that and the chance to see me in person, of course.  I popped over and picked her up and together we awaited the arrival of the cousins contingent.  And whole she waited she and Nana made some chocolate chip cookies.  Gotta get the cookie jar filled up, you know? 


Kel’s gang finally arrived in the afternoon.  Micah had to go to the eye doc for an appointment first.  His dilated pupils didn’t stop him from enjoying a Lifetime movie, though.  Jachin joined in that pastime as well.  Parents, it’s amazing what activities your teenage boys can enjoy together, given the “proper” motivation.  Oh, and what’s the proper motivation?  Simply throw in a Grandad or maybe an uncle or two to provide running commentary.  Works every time.


The goal of the day was to get some pies baked.  And Nana had plenty of help in the kitchen.  Ezra was right in the middle of it all, and the two girls were mother-henning all over the place.  I can’t wait to taste the apple pies they made, though.  Ezra dumped a whole bowl of sugar-cinnamon mixture over the top of his.  And the bottom fell out of the shaker Noa was using, so she had some difficulty controlling the flow of the one she was responsible for.  Like I said … I can’t wait …


Cailyn also took some time to teach Noa some softball basics out in the backyard.  Josiah was doing all the heavy lifting for me out there as we put away the turkey fryers until next year.  Strong little dude.  I had to clean out the pots we used, so that meant avoiding Chris gaze.  It did involve bending and a little bit of lifting.  I tried to keep the lifting to a minimum.  However, I am sore in the old back this morning.  Guess I’ll try to take it easy today. 


Kel brought over the air turkey fryer he has never used.  No, that’s not the same as an air guitar.  It just means the contraption cooks whole turkeys using no grease.  He had to put it together first (The fryer, not the turkey).  The assembly instructions were reminiscent of something from IKEA, but he managed to pull it off.  The actual cooking process took almost two hours, but cleanup was way easier.  In fact, he packed it up in the car and drove on home after the meal.  And speaking of the meal, it made a pretty good turkey.  Soaked up my ketchup just fine …


Psalms 100:4-5 says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”


Father, thank you for preparation days and helpers in the kitchen and the backyard.  Oh, and for Lifetime movies that grasp the attention of teenage boys.  Amen.

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