Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November 18 – “Postponed …”

We were all set to get started on applying the frying seasoning rub to ten turkeys yesterday.  That was after Chris and April returned from Chris’ doctor’s appointment.  That was kind of anticlimactic, as doctor’s appointments go, however.  It was just with her PCP, and the purpose was just to make sure the PCP knew she had been in the hospital.  Impressively enough, the doc knew everything there was to know about the hospital stay, as well as about all the tests she had run.  Chris did ask the few questions she had for her.  And April declared that she liked her (the doc, not Chris.  What April thinks of her mother-in-law is still a closely guarded secret). 


So, after the doctor visit, the plan was to come back over here and April would help with the turkeys.  Imagine my surprise when they walk in with a third human being trailing behind them.  April said they picked this derelict up on the side of the road.  Actually, it was Nathan.  He was here to do all the heavy lifting.  He grabbed the first three turkeys and slapped them down on the counter, only to discover that they were still frozen almost solid.  Uh-oh.  He checked the rest of them as well, and all were suffering the same fate.  That meant a postponement of the turkey rub party.  They adjusted the setting on the fridge and vowed to return today to try again. 


We received another meal from the good folks at Seaside last night.  Amber and Sam brought over some lasagna and salad.  Good stuff.  They also brought some slabs of ribs to be cooked another day.  That was from Nancy.  Thank you so much, guys.  It’s great to feel loved.


John 11:25-26 says, “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.  Do you believe this?’”


Father, please bless these food-bearing folks.  Honor their ministry actions with your love in their lives.  Amen.

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