Monday, November 23, 2020

November 23 - “Snuck up on us”

We had kind of a small crowd at church yesterday, but our online attendance was up a bit. Kind of levels out I guess. Chris told me the teaching went a long time. Longer than usual for sure. Two reasons I think. One is that happens when I am tired. It’s hard for me to focus. And even a little pain has a way of making you tired. Not to mention concern for your wife’s health. Combine that with a desire to get all the cliffhangers in the story on the table before Advent starts and a different focus begins. Sorry about the length. It was great to have a new voice added to the praise team, too. Sonya sounded great with the guys.

Speaking of Advent, we did the hanging of the greens yesterday. It felt like kind of spur of the moment decision, but it was more of a “this one really snuck up on us in the midst of a lot of other things going on” scramble. We did have a fabulous response, though. Lots of people stayed to help, and it really didn’t take very long. It was frustrating for me not to be able to pick up anything to help. It was even more frustrating for Chris. She was relegated to a "point and direct" mode of participation. The worship center looks great now. Thank you to all who helped. 

By the time we made it home we were both pretty exhausted. I vaguely recall skimming through the TV channels and seeing some football games. Did I really see that the Texans and the Cowboys won?  Yay, I guess. I do remember struggling to stay awake through a Hallmark movie. That’s some important stuff, you know. Hate to miss it. 

1 John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.”

Father, thank you for all the help that stuck around after church. Bless them for their efforts. Amen. 

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