Saturday, February 4, 2023

February 4 - “Test Test Day”

I put my fire hat back on yesterday. No, not the one to start fires. I went as chaplain over to station four to watch the pre-test agility test for firefighter hopefuls. The department gives people a chance to run through the required timed agility test before the one that actually counts. I enjoy doing some encouraging and basically cheerleading for the ones who come. This time the weather was breezy and really cold, but four brave souls showed up anyway. They all did pretty well, too. The one girl had some issues pulling the charged hose, but she handled dragging the 250 pound dummy like a champ. At least two of the guys had a time that would be considered passing, so they were pretty pleased.

On my way home I stopped in and said hello to the guys at central and at station five.


Back at home I had some lunch, then broke open a new jigsaw puzzle that Helen brought to home group. She said it just wasn’t her cup of tea. The picture? A whole bunch of teacups, of course. I see what you did there, Helen. Nice one


1 Corinthians 15:58 says, Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”


Father, please be with those youngsters who tried the agility test yesterday. Give them the confidence to come back for the real thing. Amen. 

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