Monday, September 9, 2024

September 9 - “Grunt work”

Well, we were back at it. But probably not what we anticipated for a Sunday morning. Chris had to run Sam up to the Extended care clinic, so I stayed at the house and “supervised” the work on the fence. Read here, “Did the grunt work.”  I was in charge of carrying fence slats from the front yard and driveway into the back yard. I did help Nathan a little bit with setting the last of the posts before Nathan and John Matt did the highly skilled labor part of the job. And they were magnificent at it. Cailyn had a soccer game somewhere in Houston, so she wasn’t here to work this time. Fortunately, she had already done all the heavy lifting! 

Nathan and John Matt were fence machines. They worked all day, anticipating each other’s next move and what tool would be needed. It was a lot of work they were trying to get done. They finished all the framing work. Now today all that is left is nailing up the pickets and building a gate. Bit John Matt is back in school, so the quality of his assistant will drop drastically (read here … me). 

Last night I joined Christina and we got started teaching the Seaside students the youth version of the Experiencing God study. The adult version really had a big effect on my life. So much so that a lot of how we operated at Seaside over the years was based on the Experiencing God principles. About 30 adults are giving it a whirl as well. Praying that God touches them! 

Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭ says, Therefore I, the prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, accepting one another in love, diligently keeping the unity of the Spirit with the peace that binds us.

Father, thanks for the ones who were able to start the study last night. Draw them and others to yourself. Amen. 

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