Tuesday, September 24, 2024

September 24 - “The Bed”

was going to work on putting the back yard back into some semblance of order yesterday morning. That plan dissolved into nothingness when I got started back into going through files again. 

We also were anticipating the delivery of a hospital bed. Robert and Nathan were here to help out. The delivery guy was great. He absolutely knew his stuff, and got everything set up in no time. 

Nathan finished the punch list of the fence. A few pickets didn’t stick so he screwed them down. He also installed the one final picket we missed. Fence is really fine now. I hope. 

The Hospice nurse arrived late in the day. Between her and Chris and the magic lift machine, they got Sam moved from where she was into the den where we had the hospital bed. It was a pretty tough ordeal, but Sam was a trooper.  

Thank you’s for yesterday: Helen for Sam-sitting and just being there with her, Cathy for cat-sitting (again), Jim and Doug for coming by, (and thanks for the songs, Jim), Nathan for the fence again and for being, well, Nathan (of course), Robert for being here when the bed was delivered and helping the guy unload. Oh, and Sam’s sister and brother-in-law came by as well. 

Luke‬ ‭12‬:‭40‬ ‭ says, You also be ready, because the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.

Father, help Sam be able to relax and get some rest. Amen. 

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