Saturday, September 21, 2024

September 21 - “Non-drunk Humans”

I was on the outside again to start my day. Well, sort of. I started in the garage. Needed to clear out a little more storage space. That meant take it out and put it back, hopefully in a different order that would afford some more square footage. You know … Classic Garage Tetris. Not sure how successful I was. Well, other than moving the wheelbarrow around to start living in the shed with the new lawn mower (the wheelbarrow, not me). 

I spent a few hours on the phone trying to get an iPhone restored. I got pretty far, but it looks like I reached a dead end. Not sure where to go next, so I did what any thinking, reasonable human would have done. I put it down. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe Monday. 

After that bit of a fail, I had to hurry over to the San Luis Hotel. I’m presiding over a wedding this evening, and the rehearsal was last night. Well, if you can call it a rehearsal. Me and the almost-eight-year-old flower girl, and the fifteen-year-old autistic ring bearer, and perhaps the bride’s mom and dad were the only non-drunk humans on the premises. We made it through, though. I felt sorry for Fish Tales restaurant. They were all headed over there for the rehearsal dinner. This wedding should be … interesting. 

Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭29‬ says, No foul language is to come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear.

Father, be with us at that wedding tonight. It’s gonna be hot in the gazebo. Plus booze and/or hangovers. Tough combination. Amen. 

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