Saturday, September 28, 2024

September 28 - “For some insane reason”

Up and at ‘em pretty early. 4:30 wake up call for some insane reason! Actually, I did have a lot to get done, so I was glad for the extra time. I spent those first couple of hours working on the service for Sam. Had to get it out to the guys doing the service with me (Kel, Greg, Josh, Nathan).  

Next on the list was mowing the lawn. For some insane reason the grass just keeps growing. Sigh … great lesson, though. Life goes on. Embrace it. No … Enjoy it!

We took a few hours of the afternoon to drive out to Sam’s house. We needed to find an electronic gadget that she borrowed from a friend. It has to be returned to the telephone issuer. Fortunately, we found it! Even found the original box it came in. Check one more thing off the list. 

Romans 15:13 says, May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Father, please be with us at the celebration today. Draw the ones there that you want to be there, and speak to some hearts. Amen. 

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