Friday, September 27, 2024

September 27 - “Surprise”

Well, we woke up to a surprise yesterday. On top of everything else going on (literally, as you will soon see), a big, thick tree limb fell “on top of” our car. Let me hasten to add that the smaller branches cushioned the blow enough that the car seems fine. We were able to lop off the smaller pieces enough to back the car out of the driveway. Then we just tugged a little, and the massive branch came crashing to the ground. I got out the trustee sawzall and chopped it small enough to be carried away by the trash guys. The weird thing was, it was not even the big broken branch we’ve been watching since Hurricane Beryl. Great. Still have that one to look forward to. That was NOT what we signed up for on the day’s long list of things to do. 

We also had a surprise visit. Well, we anticipated this one, but didn’t know when it would happen. Certainly didn’t expect it yesterday. Our contractor came by with his painter to give us a bid on the house. Why not?  

I also tried my best to make some headway toward getting the service planned for Sam’s celebration of life on Saturday (2 pm at Seaside if you haven’t heard yet). Too much tyranny of the urgent got to me, though. That will be one of my first jobs this morning so I can get it to all the ones who need it. In fact … Better get started. 

Isaiah 40:31 says, But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Father, help us get all these things done that we need to get done “right now” … at the right time. Amen. 

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