Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8 - “Fencin’”

We woke up to an interesting development in the back yard. Part of the fence on the other side (the one that was still standing up yesterday) was leaning precariously. We got it propped up again. The hope at the time was that it was just a factor of saturated ground.  But no. Ended up having to replace three of the posts. 

I got a text around 8:30 yesterday morning from the materials delivery folks at Home Depot. New delivery window. Now 9:18-10:18. Well, that’s pretty specific. Way better than 6 am to 8 pm. I texted Nathan right away to let him know. 

Back to the chore at hand … Speaking of replacing posts, Nathan brought over a helper, John Matt. That youngster did some hard work. And speaking of hard work, Cailyn ended up lifting … oh, I would say approximately 1400 pounds of concrete. Plus she carried numerous 4X4 posts from the front yard to their position in back. Impressive! Things are looking good for the project to be completed today. Maybe loose ends on Monday. Just in time for rain to resume on Tuesday. 

In the afternoon we went to Home Depot to get some dirt to fill in all the holes and low spots. We also picked up some gate hardware (with help from Nathan on FaceTime). We tried to get the nails we need, but they didn’t have them. Nathan found them up by his house, though. Oh, and we replaced our loppers. The old ones gave up the ghost. How? They just locked in the open position. No good if they don’t close. 

Speaking of loppers, back at the house (and after some neighborly assistance from Corey and Brennan carrying back our eight bags of dirt) we did a trim job on the wisteria bush. Not a massive one, but more than usual, for sure. It looks a lot better with a haircut. 

Whew! Sounds like another long, hard day. It was. I was tired. 

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭13‬:‭20‬ ‭ says, The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm.

Father, thanks for you for Cailyn and John Matt and of course Nathan. They did some great work. Bless them for that. Amen. 

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