Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 10 - “Done”

Well, the fence is done. All the extra pieces have been returned. I did spot one strip at the corner between us and our next door neighbors, though. It would have taken a lot of extra cutting and pasting to cover it up. Maybe we can leave it and let the dogs bark back and forth through it. Actually,  the plan is to put the shed back there, so you won’t be able to tell. Hope they can be patient until we shove it back down there. 

We were re-visited during our work by a creature we never thought we would be happy to see again. The Claw was back. But this time it was to pick up the fence debris from our demolition as well as the monster-heavy tree we had to dig up and pull out with Nathan’s truck. Great to see that creature (unlike after Hurricane Ike when it grabbed all our treasured now-trash possessions). 

The return process at Home Depot for the materials we didn’t use was … not exactly customer friendly. We had to unload everything ourselves, after their guy counted it all. God bless Nathan. He did all the heavy lifting. Well over 2200 pounds of it. Hope he gets some rest before he has to go back to work. 

I heard from both neighbors. They both had glowing reports on their view of the new fence. Guess we are all ready for that next storm out on the Gulf. 

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ says, Don’t you yourselves know that you are God’s sanctuary and that the Spirit of God lives in you?

Father, please protect us from that storm. Amen. 

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