Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 22 - “What manner of human condition”

I was back on the inside track again. Well, except for the trip to Walmart. Just a few items. Milk. Kitty litter. Toothbrush tips (Hey. The trials of the electric toothbrush generation). A few other sundries as well. It was actually one of my quickest trips ever. And that includes the wait time for me to track down someone to help me access an item in the very top shelf, and then for that someone to track down one of their rolling ladders. She was really sweet, too. 

As far as my inside duties, I just had some more mail and files to sort through. I think I finally have a handle on what needs to happen. Making it work is another thing altogether … 

Last night was the infamous wedding that I “rehearsed” for on Friday. I actually couldn’t wait to see what manner of human condition would appear amongst the wedding party. I was really counting on that Seven-almost-eight-year-old flower girl to keep the crowds relatively sane and under control. 

It wasn’t the youngster, though. There was … an “Unknown Wedding Coordinator.” The scariest kind. Whoever she was, she totally changed the flow of the ceremony. Not that it was bad. Just … unexpected. See, I was supposed to meet the groomsmen at a door to the outside and all of us walk in together. Imagine my surprise when the line of groomsmen solemnly marched to their positions near the gazebo. Without me. Ten minutes early. Did you get that? Ten minutes early! Never happened in my 50+ years in the ministry. I made my way to the front, chatting with the crowd and then the groomsmen. I asked why so early? Their answer? “We were sent.”  Yep. The UWC was in charge. 

Everything else went pretty well. The bride and groom never stopped talking to each other until I specifically spoke to them (read hear, “Repeat after me,” at which point the groom dropped the ring.  Tough start there, my friend).  This one definitely ranks as one of my most unusual. Oh! And the entire wedding party seemed remarkably… um … not drunk. Thanks, guys. 

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭11‬ says, Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.

Father, be with this new Nathan and April as they begin their life together. Be with our Nathan and April, too. Amen. 

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