Thursday, September 19, 2024

September 19 - “Too many steps!”

Pavers: Phase Two: Trying to uncover and fill that sinkhole before it gets big enough to wreak havoc on its own. First step … pull up pavers that are obviously sinking. Step two … dig under and peel back the good sod that has grown over the low spot. Step three … scrape off to the side the good soil. Step four … Fill under the sod and pavers with leftover dirt from the side of house. Step five … somewhat level the area. Step six … reset the pavers. Too many steps! Aaargh! Why didn’t we call in a pro?! I’m stuck somewhere between steps four and five. Gotta plod on. 

We heard on one of our breaks that there was a pretty bad wreck near Cailyn’s high school. Bad enough that they shut down the major road that passes in front of the school. Cailyn was not involved. See, it just so happened that she wasn’t feeling well, so her dad picked her up early. Hmm. Thanks for that protection, Lord. 

Psalms‬ ‭51‬:‭10‬ says, God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Father, we do thank you for protecting Cailyn and her friends from that wreck. Your ways are definitely mysterious sometimes. Amen. 

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