Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 3 - “On the Dirty Side”

Well, welcome home to us. What should be waiting for us in Galveston but the “dirty side” of a stalled low pressure system. That’s a high class way of saying an almost-hurricane was sitting over us and dumping wave after wave of rain bands on us. Flood warnings were definitely in effect. 

One bad part about the whole rain thing was that we were supposed to go out to eat lunch with our friends Wayne and Sheri. And by the”supposed to” I mean we did. Wayne drove through some pretty high water, but we managed to make it to Salsa’s on the seawall for some more Mexican food. But the food was secondary, of course. The main point of the journey was getting to hang out and talk for a few hours. Always fun. 

Oh, and another “small detail.”  We were supposed to start building the fence in the backyard today. Now the ground is way too wet, so we had to push our start day back to Friday. I’ll still work on getting that tree dug up in the meantime, though. Well … weather permitting. 

Psalms‬ ‭94‬:‭19‬ says, When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy.

Father, thank you for Wayne and Sheri and their friendship through the years. Keep them safe on their way home today. Amen. 

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