Monday, February 5, 2024

February 5 - “A Missouri Connection”

Worship was great. Walking through the Book of Joshua. Im hoping the folks in our home group are recognizing some of those obscure facts and events. It hasn’t been that long since we went through that. 

After church I spent a good deal of time chatting with a couple visiting from Missouri. He was a retired police officer. They are planning to be at the Ash Wednesday service  and at our Super Bowl party. 

The LaMarque Vaughan’s came over after church. That meant a stop at Little Caesar’s on the way home. It was good to see Jachin, and we had plenty of pizza to send back to dorm.  

After they left we turned on the TV. No football games, unless you count the farcical Pro Bowl flag football nonsense. We ended up watching two movies. 

First on the docket was the new Indiana Jones one. We had seen it before, but I had forgotten most of it. It was one of those situations where you remember it as it happens. It was just a fun movie. 

Next up was that old high school football drama, Remember the Titans. Yes, we had seen that one, too, but it’s just a classic, based on a true story. If you’ve never seen it, it is a sobering account of the high school integration of the 70’s, set against the backdrop of a high school football team. Good film. Brought back lots of memories. 

Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬ says, You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.

Father, thanks for you for the chance to meet that Missouri couple. Give them a blessed time away from home. Amen. 

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