Saturday, November 5, 2022

November 5 - “New Doc”

Chris had an early appointment with the eye doc. They did a full-blown exam. She had to start from scratch breaking in a new doctor. Hers left for greener pastures.


The new doc was fairly young and seemed to really know her stuff. She detailed what was probably going on. The consummate professional. But through it all, she was also quite engaging. She even asked me if I had questions.


And the bottom line of the visit? Cataract surgery will be forthcoming. First comes another visit to take specific measurements for the new lens.


In the afternoon, Chris did some sewing. I worked on our latest jigsaw puzzle. Baby Yoda, or whatever his name is. We also chatted with Josh and his kids for a while. It felt kind of strange to not excitedly anticipate an Astros game. Ah, well. Tomorrow …


Ecclesiastes 4:9 says, Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:


Father, thank you for this new doctor. She seems like the kind of doc we can trust. Amen.

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