Tuesday, November 29, 2022

November 29 - “Doctor Doogie”

At 8 a.m. we took Chris to a new doc to check her implanted monitor. Doc looked like he was about 12 or 13 years old - a regular “Doctor Doogie.”  But then, he was responsible for the high-tech device she has implanted, so I was good with a youngster who was up on technology. He did have a stutter but was very personable and knowledgeable. In a nutshell, there has been nothing of significance recorded since the monitor has been in. In other words, she doesn’t need a pacemaker yet.


The doc’s mantra was “we need more information.”  Not sure when that will change to “we have enough information.”  In an effort to gather more information, however, he ordered a new test to see if she has Vaso-vagal syncope. That’s what Kel was diagnosed with. Basically, his recommendation was, “Keep doing what you’ve been doing.  Sit down if you feel like you may pass out.”  Well, all righty, then.


Chris had a physical therapy appointment at 1 pm, so I took the truck and did a bank errand. It was great to have it start right up. Oh, before we left, Chris turned on the kitchen sink, only to find that we had no water. A quick look outside revealed the issue, though. City crews were connecting our brand-new water line to our brand-new water meter. We knew this one was coming. It only lasted twenty or thirty minutes, though, and we were back in business.


Hebrews 11:1 says, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.


Father, thank you for the simple things like running water on demand. Amen.

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