Thursday, November 17, 2022

November 17 - “Cavapoos”

 After our late-night at the basketball games (we got home around midnight), Christi and Caleb and MaddieBelle were waiting up for us. I think after that, we all expected - or at least hoped - that we would certainly be able to sleep in this morning. 

Well … not so much for me. At some point in the night, I was rudely awakened by cramps in both hamstrings. No pain quite like the one that wakes you from a dead sleep. The cramps did finally pass, though, and I was able to get back to sleep. But around 5:45 a new sleep interrupter arrived. I woke up sneezing. Crazy, right?  I finally had to get up just to blow my nose. Since I was out of bed anyway, I stayed up and began my morning routine. Josh finally came in around 7:15, and Christi followed soon thereafter. What a night. What a short night. 

I had a brief chat with AnnaGrace before breakfast. She was staring at my ring, so I asked her if she liked it. She replied, “That’s not a ring.”  Confused, I assured her it indeed was a ring, but she insisted to the contrary. Finally, I asked her, “Well, if it’s not a ring, what is it?”  She thought for a moment, then quipped, “It’s a random circle.” Hmm. It is that. And this from a six-year-old. 

Early afternoon brought the arrival of the LaMarque cousins. The kiddos played for a while, then we took a field trip to a ranch outside of Waco. The owners are members of Columbus Avenue Baptist Church. They are also breeders of some really cute puppies called Cavapoos. They are a mixture of poodle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They wanted the kids to play with one of the latest batches to get them used to being around people. They will sell them for a lot of money, and the proceeds go to a ministry in Uganda. I’ll just say there were some seriously dangerous levels of cuteness. It was a good thing April wasn’t here …

Last night we went to church supper. All the signs said “Spaghetti and meatballs.”  But somehow something changed. The meatballs became fajitas, and the spaghetti transformed into chips and salsa. Yep. Mexican food again. I know Chris has enjoyed it, but we’ve had Mexican food at least six or eight times since we have been up here. Hey. I just appreciate that we have had food. 

Chris went to a ladies Bible study with Christi and Christina. I went into the one Josh teaches. It was a lot of fun. He kind of threw out some controversial topics and let the group take off. I especially liked when he played Forced Choice and made us choose between Astros and Rangers. I won that one, one to everyone else. Go Astros. 

John‬ ‭14‬:‭21‬ says, “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”mm

Father, please be with the family raising those puppies. And bless the ministry in Africa. Amen. 

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