Tuesday, November 15, 2022

November 15 - “Oops.”

We were up and out of the house by 7:15 to get to the Texas Baptist Convention by 7:30. Actually we were getting there in time to grab a free breakfast burrito from the Texas Baptist Men Food Truck.


The guy who spoke at the opening session was really good. Very engaging and funny. He’s the bi-vocational pastor of a new church in Waxahachie. We met up with Kel and sat with him. He then went to a breakout, and we perused the vendor halls. That’s always where I stock up on pens and other free stuff to carry me through for the next year.


Later we met up with Josh and accompanied him to the business session. It was pretty full, so we stood in the back. Not that we were being particularly nice. It’s just so much easier to cut up back there. As it turned out, the only one cutting up was Chris. After a while she let it be known that she needed to sit down right away. Not a good sign. We got her over to the platform where the A/V guy was sitting. She tried her usual energy bar and water, but nothing really helped. It was one of those spells that she just had to wait out. This one took a good fifteen minutes. When it finally started to pass, she and Josh compared pass-out symptoms. Another day in the life … sigh.


Chris and Christina then went to a luncheon for ministry wives. Chris won a really pretty flower arrangement/table centerpiece for being in ministry the longest at her table. 50 years was hard to beat.


Meanwhile, Kel and I went to what we thought was a building with a collection of restaurants in it. Josh recommended it. Except when we arrived it was a restaurant all right, but a ragtag soul food joint in a seedy part of town. I called Josh. His response? “Oops.”  He had given us the wrong name of the place. And to make matters worse, when we arrived at the correct site … Josh was eating at the very place he meant to send us to. Oops, indeed. We found a sandwich shop with some good food, though.


We hung out for a while after lunch, chatting with Josh. By then my back was pretty much done, so we headed home. Josh went to Zak’s basketball practice. Kel headed back in to the next breakout session.


Last night we all went to Caleb’s first basketball game. It was a good one. In the first half the good guys were having a tough time putting the game away. The bad guys just kept hanging around. And then Caleb stepped up and deposited himself in the back pocket of the other team’s point guard. The kid just couldn’t get the ball. Caleb’s stifling defense led to a multitude of turnovers, and the whole complexion of the game changed. In the end, the good guys won by 30 points.


Psalms 103:19 says, The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.


Father, thank you for watching over Chris when she has these spells. I sure don’t know what to do with them. Amen.

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