Thursday, June 9, 2022

June 9 – “Flying colors”

Chris took Sam in for her follow-up appointment with the eye surgeon yesterday.  Amazing how fast they can dispense with the protective cover and give the patients their release in one day’s time.  Sam seems to have come through with flying colors.  We’ll see in a few days how much better her vision is after the surgical clouding dissipates.  While Sam was dealing with the docs, Chris got in her steps at the nearby Hobby Lobby.  She didn’t find anything to buy, though.  Maybe next time.


I stuck around the house while the ladies were gone.  Gave me a chance to do my hip exercises.  When they got back, we had some lunch together.  Homemade one-pot lasagna again.  Good stuff, even if it was leftovers.  Sam left right after lunch to head back home and check on her cat. 


We ordered some bookcases.  Chris finally found some on the Target website that are made by the same company as the ones we already have.  Looks like the match pretty closely, so we can use all of them together.  We hope that they will provide enough space to open up at least some of the boxes of books in the garage.  They are supposed to be delivered by next Thursday, but I received an email this morning that the new delivery date has been moved up to Saturday.  This Saturday, while we will be out of town.  Guess we’ll get Corey and Janell to watch out for them and maybe slide them into the house for us.  Well, if they are back from Disneyworld by then. 


We watched the Astros lose.  Sad.  We also watched some of the college softball finals.  Texas vs. Oklahoma.  That one was really sad for Texas.  When I switched channels back for the last time, the score was 10-1.  It’s a two out of three series, but I don’t think Texas can beat Oklahoma.  They are really strong. 


2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


Father, please give the Geran’s a safe flight back home this weekend.  Amen.

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